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Health Testing

We cannot stress how important health testing is when purchasing from a breeder.  We had a very difficult time when starting our program as many breeders avoid OFA (Orthopedic Foundation for Animals) formal testing.  We try to be as transparent and open with our families in regards to our health testing and information provided by our vet on breed specific issues.  Such as hips and elbows for golden retrievers and patellas for Pomeranians.

Specific Testing 

Embark Genetic Testing

All our dogs are swabbed with Embark breeder kits and it is then sent to the lab in the US.  

The embark test is able to screen for genetic health conditions relevant to our breed, offer clinical tools and generators for COI, and 230+ genetic variants associated with disease.  

Orthopedic Testing for Animals

Our Pomeranians go through OFA  testing for Patellas, Basic Cardiac and CAER Eye exam.  We also vet check for bite conformation.  We follow a strict guideline in order to better our Pomeranian lineage and we will not breed anything greater than a Level 1 minor luxation.  After speaking with several vets, toy breeds are extremely prone to patella issues.  It is common for even healthy pomeranians to experience minor luxation as they age. And many times this can be environmental (jumping off the couch, running too much on uneven ground or high impact surfaces).  Our goal in the next 5 years is to hold back only "NORMAL" patella breeding prospects to ensure we are beginning to correct the inherent problems of Poms.  


Our Golden Retrievers go through OFA testing for Hip/Elbow, Basic Cardiac and CAER Eye exams.  We require all our golden retriever testing to come back good or excellent and/or NORMAL depending on the exam rating structure.  

Individual Testing Results 


Cardiac - PN-BCA524/27M/P-PI

Eyes- PN-EYE976/21M-VPI

Patella - Grade 1 minor UL





Cardiac- PN-BCA523/40F/P-PI

Eyes- PN-EYE1084/40F-VPI

Patella - Grade 1

Embark - 



Cardiac - Pending

Eyes- Pending

Patella- 3 vet checks, good. official OFA pending

Embark-  Awaiting Results



Cardiac -* All health testing pending age requirement *






Cardiac -* All health testing pending age requirement *






Cardiac - Pending August Exam

Eyes- PN-EYE976/21M-VPI

Hip/Elbow- Pending August Radiographs





Cardiac- * All health testing pending age requirement *



Embark - 









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