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Interested in adding a Darling Dahl pup or kitten to your home?

We only seek the best homes for our beautiful puppies and kittens and we take finding them the right families, seriously. We believe that ethical breeding involves much more than simply breeding animals, it involves a level of dedication to ensuring the animals we bring into the world are taken care for the duration of their lives. 







STEP 2) INTERVIEW (zoom/facetime/phone)








Step 1 of our process is our adoption application.  We have a specialized application for each of our breeds and our ragdolls and we ask that you only fill out an application if you seriously considering adding a pup or kitten from us to your family.

Step 2 of our process is our interview/zoom call.  We really like to get to know the families interested in adopting one of our animals and its imperative that we ensure our program and ideologies are the right fit for you and your family.  We will go over our upcoming litters and discuss waitlist options.

Step 3 is securing a spot on a waitlist. We keep an open waitlist for all our litters (Pomeranians, Goldens and Ragdoll X kittens).  If you are interested we request a non-refundable waitlist* deposit of $50 CAN. We do our best to not over extend our waitlist however, mother nature dictates final puppy delivery numbers. Please note holding a spot on the waitlist does not guarantee you a puppy or kitten  for the upcoming litter however, we do our very best to accommodate every family.  We update families via email when our dam and sire have successful tied and update throughout the pregnancy.




YAY! PUPPIES HAVE ARRIVED! What does this mean for our waitlisters?  We require a formal non refundable deposit of $500.00 CAN till puppies are 2 weeks of age and growing steadily (we provide an electronic contract that must be signed prior to sending deposit), Once puppies pass the 2 week mark, we ask our waitlisters to provide the deposit via e-transfer to maintain their spot.  Please note: puppy picks are not completed till week 7 when puppies have been fully evaluated for temperament and health,  We want to ensure we are placing our puppies with families that fit their lifestyle and vice versa.



As breeders we have the right to hold back a puppy or kitten for future breeding's if we feel they will benefit our program.  If we cannot fulfil your request, we give the option of moving your deposit to the next waitlist or refund the deposit. 


This is the one and only time we will refund a deposit.


Golden Retriever Puppy

Please click 'apply now'  for our Golden Retriever Application (We will be expecting puppies in the summer of 2024)


Pomeranian Puppy

Please click 'apply now' for our Pomeranian Application.  


Ragdoll Kitten

Please click 'apply now' for our Ragdoll Application. (We will be expecting a litter summer 2023).


Holland Lop Bunny

We have semi retired from breeding rabbits but have the occasional litter of purebred Holland Lops.  They are on pet contracts ONLY.  Please click 'apply now' for our Holland Lop Application. (We will be expecting spring 2023).

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